Seeking Empowerment

Coparenting is not a competition
It’s a collaboration
of two homes working together with
the best interest of the child at heart.
- Anne Brown

What is a Coparenting Coach?

Separation or divorce is an emotionally challenging process and parents often struggle to cope. Research shows that children who are frequently exposed to conflict between their parents suffer. Kids instinctively love both their parents and identify with each of them. Parents give their children a gift when they can be successful in solving their problems without their kids witnessing arguments, name-calling, belittlement, and anger. It is imperative for coparents to learn how to effectively address issues in a cooperative and respectful way rather than leaving those decisions to third parties. The goal of coparenting effectively is to help the kids adapt to parental separation or divorce so they can live happily with each of their parents in their respective homes. A Coparenting Coach can be the beacon of guidance needed to help navigate the emotional and practical aspects of coparenting with resilience and is an excellent alternative to court-based remedies when it comes to resolving coparenting issues.

Why Choose a Coparenting Coach?

A Coparenting Coach is a professional who assists parents in learning how to work together despite the past, and regardless of the anger, resentment, and other uncomfortable feelings that may exist between them. The role of a coach is multifaceted: It encompasses emotional support, communication guidance, conflict resolution, and practical strategies for effective coparenting. One of the most significant challenges separating parents face is the breakdown in communication. Misunderstandings, disagreements, and unresolved conflicts can create a hostile coparenting environment, negatively impacting the children. A Coparenting Coach’s expertise lies in guiding parents to learn how to replace unhealthy behaviors and to put the best interests of the children first rather than focusing on animosity toward each other.

Are There Different Types of Coparenting Coaching?

A personalized, action-oriented success plan is created for family and parenting goals. Sessions depend on the unique needs and circumstances of each family.

Individual Sessions:

Individualized coparenting education allows the coach to focus on the specific challenges and concerns of one parent in a confidential space that fosters self-reflection and growth. Often, one parent is seeking support in managing emotions, improving communication skills, or developing coping strategies specific to the situation.

Joint Coparenting Sessions:

Joint coparenting education is where the coach acts as a neutral third party and assists the coparents or both sets of parenting partners in creating a positive and child-centered atmosphere. The goal is to foster an environment of cooperation and mutual understanding, promoting effective teamwork in raising children despite the challenges of coparenting.

Joint Coparenting with Children Sessions:

Joint coparenting education with children helps create an environment where the children feel safe and comfortable in each of their homes. The goal is to decrease any anxiety they may have about the transitions, family relationships, and any other stressors related to the separation or divorce.  This approach is ideal for addressing shared concerns, improving communication between coparents, and developing a unified parenting plan for moving forward.

When Is the Most Productive Time to Meet with A Coparenting Coach?

Sessions with a Coparenting Coach can occur anytime during the separation or divorce process or post-divorce. There is an initial consultation to discuss the current situation, goals, potential duration, and cost for the coaching relationship. The support depends on the complexities of the coparenting situation, progress made, and the evolving requirements of the coparents. Short term engagements are usually a few sessions aimed at addressing specific challenges. Long term engagements tend to be centered around more complex situations that require ongoing support over several months.

What Types of Issues Can a Coparenting Coach Help With?

  1. Creating, updating, or revising a Parenting Plan.
  2. Improving communication with a coparent (in person, phone, text, email, apps, etc.)
  3. Training on how to approach difficult family moments.
  4. Helping family boundaries implementation.
  5. Developing understanding and respect for the coparent’s point of view, rather than trying to “win” or “get what is owed.”
  6. Implementing strategies for exchanging the kids during parenting time transitions.
  7. Managing schedule changes in a fair and flexible manner.
  8. Developing actionable coparenting living arrangements and daily routines.
  9. Dealing with Parental Alienation.
  10. Fostering skills needed for a successful reunification.
  11. Teaching strategies for parental stress management.
  12. Supporting the replacement of unhealthy parenting habits with healthier ones.
  13. Resolving conflicts between coparents, children, or other extended family members in a proactive instead of a reactive manner.
  14. Supporting coparents to collaborate on issues related to school, health, social media, discipline, extracurricular activities, or social life.
  15. Assisting coparents in handling conflicts related to spiritual, religious, cultural, political, social, or style differences.
  16. Helping coparents manage possessions across homes.
  17. Developing a system to assist coparents with managing their children’s expenses.
  18. Teaching skills unique to blended families and stepfamilies to foster success.
  19. Aiding with referring and engaging other family professionals and services.
  20. Etc.

What Coparenting Coaching is NOT:

Coparent Coaching is not legal advice, legal counsel, or therapy. Coaches often work alongside attorneys/mediators, therapists, and Divorce Coaches to form a cohesive team in assisting the client in moving forward in the most healthy and productive way. A Coparenting Coach provides education, direction, and guidance, but it is up to the client(s) to implement the skills and strategies taught.